How to add previously-sold gift certificates to ClinicSense

  1. Go to Sell, then Gift Certificates
  2. Click New Gift Certificate, at top right
  3. Enter the original certificate's To, From, and (optionally) Message to Recipient
  4. Under Certificate number, delete the pre-populated number, then type in the number from the original certificate's number
  5. Select Is certificate for an amount or service?, then enter an Amount or Service
  6. Enter the original original certificate's How is the client paying? and Payment date options
  7. When done, click Save & Pay


  • Always enter the original certificate's information, including for the payment date and source
  • To enter a partially-spent certificate, set Is certificate for an amount or service? to Amount, and then enter the amount remaining instead of the entire original amount
  • If you'd like to import a bulk batch of certificates, please visit the How to import clients and other data into ClinicSense guide

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