How to view and send superbills to clients and insurers

  1. Go to Clients, and select the client
  2. In the top right, click More Options, then View superbill
  3. Select the Date range, Practitioners, and Services
  4. Click Generate Superbill, then wait for the data to load
  5. After the data loads, you can click Email superbill or Print superbill, at top right 


  • With the superbill, you can generate a single document that includes all of your customer's receipts instead of providing them one by one
  • The superbill will include a client's appointments, total fees, total payments, and balance within your desired time range
  • Only services will be reflected in the superbill, manually-added invoice lines that aren't services won't be included in the superbill
  • Always follow applicable laws and compliance rules when downloading, uploading, or emailing protected healthcare information

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