Importing MindBody information and data into ClinicSense

  1. Log in to your MindBody account
  2. Go to the Reports tab, then select Clients
  3. In the filter on the top left, click Mailing List
  4. In the List Clients menu, choose your group of clients
  5. In the Client’s Opt-in Status menu, select all clients
  6. select Clients Only, Prospects Only, or Clients and Prospects from the third row
  7. Choose a Sort By method, either Client Name or Client Barcode
  8. Click Generate, then Export to Excel, then download the file to your device
  9. Go back to the Reports tab, then select Schedule Report, then Schedule at a Glance
  10. Check off any options you want included in the report
  11. Turn on the Scheduled By option, then export the report as spreadsheet file
  12. From the email address associated with your account, send the files to, as an attachment
  13. Generally, it takes 1 business day to complete the import


  • Clients list imports are free-of-charge
  • For annual subscribers, all other imports are also free
  • For monthly subscribers, please email for import pricing

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