Importing Schedulicity information and data into ClinicSense

  1. Log in to your Schedulicity account
  2. Go to the My Business page, then click Settings
  3. There, you will have the option to download your client list in an Excel file
  4. After downloading, go back to the My Business page, then Reports
  5. From the settings panel, select Schedule by Provider / Instructor
  6. The exporter will appear, then choose your preferred staff and date range
  7. Schedulicity can only export one practitioner at a time, so you will need to download one file for each person's schedule
  8. From the email address associated with your account, send the files to, as an attachment
  9. Generally, it takes 1 business day to complete the import


  • Clients list imports are free-of-charge
  • For annual subscribers, all other imports are also free
  • For monthly subscribers, please email for import pricing

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