How to read and use Payments reports in ClinicSense

The Payments report records cash flow transactions. This includes payments received for services performed, refunds issued, and redemptions. It details information about payments including, client names, payment methods, and totals for each payment received.
Note: The Payments report shows when payments are received, while the Revenue report shows when services are provided. These dates won't necessarily match, due to situations like pre-payments, cancellation/no-shows fees paid on a future date, or the use of gift certificates/treatment packages/account credits.

Filtering Options

You can filter the Payments report using the following options:
  • Date Range: Specify a range of dates to generate the report, allowing for analysis of payments within specific timeframes.
  • Practitioners: Choose the practitioner(s) whose payment data you want included in the report, enabling personalized analysis based on provider performance.
  • Payment Types: Filter the report by payment method (i.e. cash, credit card, etc.) to track different modes of payment received


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Usage Guide

To generate a Payments report:
  1. From the top menu, select Reports.
  2. On the left-hand side, select Payments.
  3. Specify your desired filters.
  4. Click Generate Report to generate the report based on the selected criteria.



The Payments report will include a detailed table presenting information about individual payments, including:
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  • Date: The date when the payment was received
  • Reference: A reference or identifier associated with the payment
  • Invoice Date: The date of the invoice associated with the payment (if applicable)
  • Client: Details of the client who made the payment
  • Payment Method: The method used for the payment transaction
  • Total: The total amount received for the payment transaction


Total Payments

The Total Payments section of the report provides a summary of payment activity, including:
  • Payment methods used
  • The count of payments received for each payment method
  • The total dollar amount collected for each payment method

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Total Redemptions

In the Total Redemptions section, the report outlines redemptions of previously unrecognized revenue, including:
  • The method through which deferred revenue was redeemed, such as gift certificates, write-offs, account credits, or treatment packages
  • The count of redemptions made for each redemption type
  • Total dollar amount redeemed across all redemption mediums

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Exporting Instructions

After you’ve generated the desired report, you can export your report into a PDF:
  1. From the Payments report page, click the Download PDF button at the top right

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  2. If directed to a preview, select the download icon to save the file locally

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To export as a CSV:
  1. From the Payments report page, click the Download CSV button at the top right

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  2. The file will automatically be saved to your computer
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