- Permissions determine what actions Office staff can perform when logged into ClinicSense
- Configuring these permissions ensures that staff members have the access they need to perform their tasks effectively while protecting sensitive information
- Continue reading for more information
- Related articles
- Make Account Administrator
- Practitioners
- Office Staff
- Appointments
- Clients
- Invoices
- Promotions
- Sales
- Setup
- Reports
Related articles
- How to add and edit Office staff profiles in ClinicSense
- How to add and edit Practitioner profiles in ClinicSense
- Understanding Practitioner permissions in ClinicSense
Make Account Administrator
This permission is related to the management of your practice.
Is Practice Administrator
- If enabled: The user will have full access to all features and settings in ClinicSense, except for removing the super administrator and changing subscription/payment information. Disabling any other permission will remove Practice Administrator status. This is usually meant for the practice owner or manager.
- If disabled: The user will need individual permissions granted to access specific features.
These permissions are related to the management of Practitioner profiles.
View practitioners
- If enabled: Office staff can see the profiles of all practitioners.
- If disabled : Office staff will not have the ability to view information from the Setup > Practitioners page. Consequently, they will not be able to change other practitioners’ profiles
Change practitioners
- If enabled: Office staff can update details of practitioners’ profiles including their about information, hours, services, and online scheduling settings. They will not be able to change their account access, email address, or permissions.
- If disabled: Only administrators will be able to edit profiles of other practitioners.
Add / remove practitioners
- If enabled: Practice administrators can add or remove practitioners. Functions as an indicator that practice administrators have the ability to do this.
- If disabled: Practice administrator permission will be revoked.
Office Staff
These are permissions related to the management of office staff profiles.
Change own office staff profile
- If enabled: From Setup > Office Staff, office staff can edit their first and last names and view their current permissions, but cannot change them. They can also view but not change their email address.
- If disabled: Office staff will only view their first name and last name and need administrative assistance to make any changes.
View office staff profiles
- If enabled: Office staff can see the profiles of all office staff.
- If disabled: Office staff will only see their own profile. Consequently, they will also not be allowed to change other office staff profiles.
Change office staff profiles
- If enabled: Office staff can update the name and email addresses of other office staff. They will also be able to change other office staff permissions .
- If disabled: Only administrators will be able to edit profiles of other office staff.
Add / remove office staff
- If enabled: Practice administrator can add or remove office staff. Functions as an indicator that practice administrators have the ability to do this.
- If disabled: Practice administrator permission will be revoked.
Permissions related to managing appointments.
Add & edit appointments
- If enabled: Office staff can manage schedules for practitioners including adding, cancelling, or rescheduling appointments.
- if disabled: Office staff will not be able to add or edit appointments. Consequently, they will not be able to add & edit appointments in the past. Office staff will still have access to view the calendar for any practitioner.
Add & edit appointments in the past
- If enabled: Office staff can add or modify records for past appointments.
- If enabled: Past appointments will be unchangeable.
Permissions related to client files and information.
View client contact information
- If enabled: Office staff can access client contact details including phone numbers, emails, addresses, etc.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to see any client contact information. Consequently, they will not be able to make any changes to the client contact information.
Edit client contact information
- If enabled: Office staff can update fields within client contact forms.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to make any changes to client contact information.
View client treatment notes
- If enabled: Office staff can read the treatment notes recorded by practitioners.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to access client treatment notes. Consequently preventing them from editing them as well.
Edit client treatment notes
- If enabled: Office staff can update or create new versions of treatment notes.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to make any changes to treatment notes.
View client forms
- If enabled: Office staff can access and view forms filled out by clients.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to view any client forms.
Edit client forms
- If enabled: Office staff can update, send, or fill out new client forms.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to make any changes to client forms.
View client memos
- If enabled: Office staff can view memos attached to client files.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to access client memos.
Edit client memos
- If enabled: Office staff can create new or update existing memos within client files.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to make any changes to client memos.
View client uploads
- If enabled: Office staff can download documents uploaded to client files.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to view any client uploads.
Add & remove client uploads
- If enabled: Office staff can upload new documents and remove/rename existing ones from client files.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to add or remove any files in client profiles.
Remove clients
- If enabled: Office staff can delete client profiles from the system.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to delete any client profiles.
Export client list
- If enabled: Office staff can export the entire client list from the Clients page.
- If disabled: Office staff will not be able to export client data.
Permissions related to managing invoices.
View invoices
- If enabled: Office staff can see the Invoice tab for practitioners’ appointments. They can also print and email invoices.
- If disabled: Office staff is unable to see the invoice tab of any appointments. Consequently, editing invoices or adding/refunding payments is not possible.
Edit invoices
- If enabled: Office staff can change the cost of a service, add line items, discounts, and promotions to an invoice.
- If disabled: Payment management is restricted.
Add & edit payments
- If enabled: Office staff can add or refund payments to invoices.
- If disabled: Payment management is restricted for.
Permissions related to marketing/communication campaigns.
View promo codes
- If enabled: Office staff can see existing promo codes available.
- If disabled: Marketing > Promo Codes page is hidden.
Add and delete promo codes
- If enabled: Office staff can create, edit or remove promo codes.
- If disabled: While visible promo code management is restricted.
View email newsletters
- If enabled: Office staff can view newsletters sent to clients as well as drafted communications.
- If disabled: Marketing > Email Newsletters page is not accessible.
Send email newsletters
- If enabled: Office staff can launch a new email campaign or send an existing draft.
- If disabled: Email marketing is restricted.
Edit birthday campaigns
- If enabled: Office staff can enable/disable the birthday campaign including the subject line, when to send, promo code, and design of the email. This campaign will require the permission “View promo codes” be enabled.
- If disabled: Marketing > Birthday Campaigns page is hidden.
Edit win-back campaigns
- If enabled: Office staff can enable/disable the win-back campaign including the subject line, when to send, promo code, and design of the email. This campaign will require the permission “View promo codes” be enabled.
- If disabled: The Marketing > Win-Back Campaigns page will not be accessible.
Edit availability campaigns
- If enabled: Office staff can enable/disable the availability campaign including the subject line, when to send, whose availability to include, and design of the email.
- If disabled: The Marketing > Availability Campaign page will not be visible.
Edit referral campaigns
- If enabled: Office staff can can enable/disable the referral campaign including the subject line, when to send, and design of the email.
- If disabled: Marketing > Referral Campaign will be restricted.
Edit Google campaigns
- If enabled: Office staff can enable/disable the Google Reviews Booster campaign including the subject line, when it’s sent, who will participate and the Google My Business profile URL.
- If disabled: Practitioner/office staff will not be able to access the Marketing > Google Reviews Booster page.
Permissions related to managing gift certificate or package sales.
View gift certificates
- If enabled: Office staff can active and redeemed gift certificates.
- If disabled: Sell > Gift Certificates page is not accessible. Practitioners and office staff will still be able to see if an invoice was paid for using a gift certificate.
Sell gift certificates
- If enabled: Office staff can sell new gift certificates.
- If disabled: Gift certificate sales are restricted.
View packages
- If enabled: Office staff can view and delete available service packages as well as view a history of all package sales.
- If disabled: Package details are hidden and will not be visible during the payment process for invoices.
Sell packages
- Is enabled: Office staff can sell packages to clients as well as create new packages.
- Is disabled: Package sales are restricted.
Permissions related to the practice setup and configuration.
Edit practice location.
- If enabled: Office staff can update the address, contact details, and other location-specific information within Setup > Location.
- If disabled: Only administrators can modify practice location details.
Edit services
- If enabled: Office staff can change the list of services offered by the practice including the about information, online scheduling settings for the service, practitioners that offer the service, and the forms that are required.
- If disabled: Service management is restricted to administrators.
Add & remove services
- If enabled: Office staff can add new services and removing existing ones.
- If disabled: Only administrators can add or remove services.
Edit settings
- If enabled: Office staff can update settings such as creating/editing treatment note templates, creating/editing forms, changing scheduling settings, modifying the payment settings, and updating the reminders and confirmations preferences.
- If disabled: Settings changes are restricted to administrators but will still be visible to anyone.
Permissions related to viewing various reports within the system.
View revenue report
- If enabled: Office staff can see the revenue generated by the practice.
- If disabled: The Reports > Revenue page will be hidden.
View sales tax report
- If enabled: Office staff can access sales tax details for the practice.
- If disabled: The Reports > Sales Tax details are hidden
View appointment report
- If enabled: Office staff can track appointment metrics for the practice.
- If disabled: The Reports > Appointments page will be hidden
View payments report
- If enabled: Office staff can access payment metrics for the practice.
- If disabled: The Reports > Payments page will not be accessible.
View receivables report
- If enabled: Office staff can track amounts owed by clients.
- If disabled: Reports > Receivables page will be hidden.
View win-back report
- If enabled: Office staff can track the effectiveness of win-back campaign.
- If disabled: The Reports > Win-back campaign details are hidden.
View reminder report
- If enabled: Office staff can track the effectiveness of reminder messages sent to clients.
- If disabled: The Reports > Reminder campaign details are hidden.