Step 3: Adding services to your ClinicSense practice

Add a new service

  1. Go to Setup, and select Services
  2. Click the Add Service button
  3. Enter the service name
    • Do not include the duration in the name, there is a separate section for that
  4. Enter the duration, cleanup time, and price
    • Cleanup time is added to the end of the appointment for prep time between appointments

Add additional durations

  • If you offer the service in multiple durations, click the + icon to add additional durations.

Choose online scheduling settings

  1. Select the Online Scheduling tab
  2. Indicate if this service is available for online scheduling

Choose practitioners that offer this service

  1. Select the Practitioners tab
  2. Choose which practitioners offer this service (this is relevant for multi-practitioner businesses)

Choose required forms

  • Skip Forms tab for now. We revisit it in the help articles about customizing treatment notes and forms.

Need help?

Using the email address associated with your account, submit a support request form. Our amazing Customer Support Team will get back to you as quickly as possible. Our average first response time during business hours is approximately 15 minutes.

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