Before cancelling, we'd love to help with any problems!
- We can also help with feature requests, training, and and live troubleshooting
- Please click here to connect with our Support Team
If you pause your account, you'll keep your:
- Appointments calendar
- Clients
- Client files and forms
- Email communication history
- Gift certificates
- Promo codes
- Treatment notes
- Treatment packages
- Reports
If you delete your account, the following will be permanently deleted:
- Appointments calendar
- Email communication history
- Gift certificates
- Promo codes
- Treatment packages
- Reports
However, you will read-only access to your client files and treatment notes.
To delete your account:
- Log into ClinicSense as your practice's superuser
- Click on your profile image at the top right corner
- Select Subscription from the drop-down menu
- Click Delete account at the bottom right
- You'll be sent a confirmation email, if you don't receive the confirmation email, then the steps haven't been completed and your account is not cancelled
To export your client data:
- Complete the To delete your account steps, above
- If you have't already, log into ClinicSense as your practice's superuser
- At the bottom of the page, click the Download Your Client Files button
- In the the pop-up, check the I understand this is a one time download box
- Click the Request Download button
- After 1-3 business days, you'll receive an email with a link and instructions to download your files
- Please remember to check your spam and junk folders in case the email is routed there
Your export will include:
- A spreadsheet file containing all past and future appointments
- A spreadsheet file containing client contact information
- A folder for each client which will contain the client's forms, memos, treatment notes, and a list of all practitioners with whom the client booked appointments
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