How to cancel and delete your ClinicSense subscription

Before cancelling, we'd love to help with any problems!

If you pause your account, you'll keep your:

  • Appointments calendar
  • Clients
  • Client files and forms
  • Email communication history
  • Gift certificates
  • Promo codes
  • Treatment notes
  • Treatment packages
  • Reports

If you delete your account, the following will be permanently deleted:

  • Appointments calendar
  • Email communication history
  • Gift certificates
  • Promo codes
  • Treatment packages
  • Reports

However, you will read-only access to your client files and treatment notes.

To delete your account:

  1. Log into ClinicSense as your practice's superuser
  2. Click on your profile image at the top right corner
  3. Select Subscription from the drop-down menu
  4. Click Delete account at the bottom right
  5. You'll be sent a confirmation email, if you don't receive the confirmation email, then the steps haven't been completed and your account is not cancelled

To export your client data:

  1. Complete the To delete your account steps, above
  2. If you have't already, log into ClinicSense as your practice's superuser
  3. At the bottom of the page, click the Download Your Client Files button
  4. In the the pop-up, check the I understand this is a one time download box
  5. Click the Request Download button
  6. After 1-3 business days, you'll receive an email with a link and instructions to download your files
  7. Please remember to check your spam and junk folders in case the email is routed there

Your export will include:

  • A spreadsheet file containing all past and future appointments
  • A spreadsheet file containing client contact information
  • A folder for each client which will contain the client's forms, memos, treatment notes, and a list of all practitioners with whom the client booked appointments

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