- These setting give you deeper control over form and note completion
- They help insure that the right people complete the right fields
- Continue reading to learn more
About these settings
- Form questions can be Required, for Office use only, or have display logic added
- Add display logic is also an option for treatment note questions
Add display logic
- Add display logic is an option on both form and note questions
- You can use it to show a question, under specific conditions
- This can help you and your clients save time or dig deeper
- Display logic can be linked to previous, Multiple choice-type questions
- It can be linked to multiple options from the previous question
- It can't be linked to subsequent questions
- It can't be linked to non-Multiple choice-type questions
- It can't be linked to more than one question
- Required is an option on form questions, only
- You can use it to require clients to answer a question, before they can submit the form
- Clients will not be able to submit a form without completing Required questions
Office use only
- Office use only is an option on form questions, only
- You can use it to prevent clients from filling out specific fields
- Questions marked as Office use only won't appear on forms sent to clients
- Questions marked as Office use only can only be edited directly in the client's file