How to individually sell gift certificates in ClinicSense

Gift certificate sales are available on the Standard and Premium plans. To sell a gift certificate through the ClinicSense dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Sell
  2. Ensure that you are on the Gift Certificate option


  3. Click the New Gift Certificate button


  4. Choose the gift certificate template from the Templates tab


  5. Switch back to the Settings
  6. Enter all of the details of the gift certificate

  7. You can choose to create a gift certificate for an amount or service
  8. Enter the gift certificate amount


  9. Add the payment (the gift certificate must be paid in full)
  10. Click the Save & Pay button


If you are not interested in using our gift certificate templates (and have your own printed certificates that you like to use), then you still want to record the sale of the gift certificate within your ClinicSense account (by following the steps above). But in this case, you will simply choose not to print or email the gift certificate (because you have your own to give them). Just be sure that the gift certificate number on your certificate matches what was logged in ClinicSense.


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