How to refund a gift certificate


To refund a gift certificate:

  1. Go to Sell > Gift Certificate
  2. Click View & Edit on the gift certificate that you'd like to refund


  3. From the gift certificate window, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Refund


  4. Enter the amount you'd like to refund
  5. Click the Refund button


Refunding Discount

If a gift certificate is discounted, you will first need to remove the discount to clear the gift certificate balance completely.

  1. Navigate to Sell > Gift Certificates
  2. Click on the Gift Certificate in Question
  3. On the right-hand side, disable the discount by switching the toggle off

    Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 9.20.16 a.m..png

  4. Click the Save button
  5. Refund the remaining balance from the gift certificate
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