How to view, print, download, or email treatment notes

  1. To view a completed form, open it from the client's file
  2. After opening a form, you'll be able to print, download, or email it
  3. Check the relevant section of this article for more details about each process



  • Emailing treatment notes from ClinicSense is not supported to help prevent potential HIPAA, PHIPA, PIPEDA, or other possible breeches
  • Always follow applicable laws and compliance rules when downloading, uploading, or emailing protected healthcare information

Video guide

Viewing treatment notes

  1. Go to Clients, then the client's file
  2. Click Appointments & Notes, then the appointment's date
  3. On the left, click Treatment Note

Printing treatment notes

  1. While viewing the treatment note, click the printer button (🖨️) in the top right corner
  2. When the PDF opens, click the printer button (🖨️) in the top right corner
  3. Follow your device's on-screen prompts

Downloading treatment notes

  1. While viewing the treatment note, click the printer button (🖨️) to generate a PDF
  2. When the PDF opens, click the download button (⬇️) in the top right corner
  3. Follow your device's on-screen prompts

Emailing treatment notes

  1. After downloading the PDF, open your email app or website
  2. Compose your email and attach the PDF, like normal
  3. When ready, send the email

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